Anna Maria Manalo

The Encounter at Peace Valley

The Way Through the Woods

I hope all my subscribers and future subscribers had a great new year! After a month-long hiatus which entailed parties, Christmas events, shopping for gifts, cooking for even more parties, I am back to my blog.

Please note there have been changes to the blog which begin this year. In the past, I have posted a limited series of one story in serial form. This year, I will atttempt to share one story without multiple parts, if I can help it. I know for some of you it can be frustrating to wait for the next installment which left you hanging! I do not, if you haven’t already noted, consistently post on a weekly or bimonthly basis. These circumstances are precipitated by factors such as the research and interviewing phase of a book in progress.

It takes a lot of time, in my case, about a few weeks to even months to get a full narrative from people who have chosen to work with me on sharing their encounters and experiences with the uncanny and anomalous. The past month, on top of the holidays, has been that case.

So I thank you all for your patience and understanding. Last we were here, I mentioned sharing some miracles with you from Blessed Carlo Acutis. I regret that at this time I was unable to procure the full story of the miracles he had collected as I do not have the rights to reproduce his stories here which are the property of the Catholic church. I am working on procuring some documents which remain pending.

This being the case, I now will share with you an account that I have previously published in my first book, Portal: A Lifetime of Paranormal Experiences. Here is the encounter at Peace Valley.

Peace Valley Park sits in the county of Bucks, in the commonwealth of Pennslyvania, approximately 55 miles north of the city of Philadelphia. It is not a state park unlike Nockamixon, which is in the Quackertown valley on the upper fringe of the county. Unlike Nockamixon, Peace Valley is surrounded by residential areas on all sides and is overlooked by the famous Czestakowa Shrine on a hill.

On pleasant summer days, beginning in the spring and late into the fall, people young and old frequent this park. It is a place for joggers, avid walkers, dog walkers and picnicking families and couples. It boasts a sizeable lake on which canoes and small fishing boats can be seen on a given day. Elderly couples walk hand in hand and those who seek the serenity of a lake and the beauty of a natural habitat for birds and small wildlife find their haven there.

In the early fall when the sun still grazed the fields of Peace Valley as late as six and the water still hosted canoes, an elderly couple kept at their nightly ritual of walking the periphery of the lake. They lived bare minutes away by car as their home sat on an adjacent street to the large shrine. Attempting to stay fit and to take in the night air after dinner, Eddie and Marise would park at the first entrance and walk through the well-worn path that most hikers too. They would cross the narrow path that traversed the lake on its eastern flank and view the homes and the view of the water from the other side.

On this particular evening, Eddie and Maris finished dinner later than usual, having been out shopping with their oldest daughter. They decided, despite the later hour, that they may still be able to catch up with another elderly couple that they met on the route leading to the elevated path that led to the other side of the lake. They set out and arrived by seven, just as dusk had begun to settle. Eddie, always practical and well-prepared, took out two flashlights and sweatbands for the two. They made their way through the normal path leading to the side of the lake and noted that there were people still walking and some, packing the last of their picnic barbecues.

Eventually, Eddie and Maris would shine their flashlights on the path as they companionably reached the turn towards the elevated path that spanned the lake. Eddie recalled that the stars were out that evening and they were alone on the path as they proceeded to traverse the lake. Once halfway is when they began to feel a strange sensation which they felt was akin to when they were near a large electrical generator or a power line.

Maris saw it first. She turned to a very low humming sound to her right. Over the lake, clearing the trees in the distance, was a large light. The light gained shape, a vague but definitely lenticular in shape that appeared translucent. It was not hurtful to the eyes, but was apparently too round and flat to be a plane. She pointed. Eddie looked in time as it sailed silently over them in a whoosh.

Then it was past them and began to “sway” down like a leaf and enter the lake on their left several yards away. The lake appeared to remain undisturbed as if the object that entered it had simply sliced right through the surface without a ripple.

Then, a breeze blew. The sighting was over. Only the two lights from their flashlights remained. They turned, darted away and headed back through the park and to their car, driving home. I was in the park just a few days later after hearing their story when I visited at a local coffeehouse to hear their account.

On the next blog entry, I will share another account at Peace Valley. This one has a photo that has been published in the spine of my first book, Portal.

Thank you for reading! If you have a story to tell about things you’ve experienced but can’t classify, reach out to me at