Anna Maria Manalo

STORY One: Eric and the Evil in the Rental House

the way through the woods

Story #1 comes in the form of an email from a gentleman who prefers to keep his last name off the public view. For reasons of safety, he has not disclosed his location, but at the time of this publication which follows my podcast where I first related his story, he has since been referred for assistance to a reputable exorcist.

Eric was riveted by my account of a demonic infestation in my own house where my parents first rented a townhouse in far-off Little Baguio, which was hamlet at the time about 55 miles north of Manila in the Philippines. What follows is his own personal account.

The urgency of Eric’s narrative was palpable enough to me and drove me to reach out on his behalf and for the sake of his safety. It appeared that he wrote the email in an effort to reach out to someone who could relate to his dilemma on a personal basis, as I myself have experienced infestations in the form of shadow beings, smoking and shapeless entities, full-body apparitions, sounds and scents that signaled an otherworldly entity of the negative variety.

Eric’s narrative is compelling and I sincerely hope that at the time of this writing, he has since moved or resolved his dilemma. If you are reading this, Eric, rest assured you are in my prayers.

Eric moved into a house and lives alone. In the next few months, he found himself invaded in sleep which affected his energy during the day. Initially, he did not know the nature of the troubled sleep, which produced in him some anxiety and restlessness during the day. Eric had a very stressful job and like any other individual, he needed the restorative energy that came with restful sleep.

Eventually, Eric noticed that when he tried to sleep after a successful and positive day, the entities appeared to “feed” on him. Unmarried, unattached, Eric felt isolated despite his positive and loving energy which he exuded during the day at this workplace. He poured his life into his work, feeling successful and fulfilled. These events appear to ratchet up the invasiveness of the entities in the house when he returned home.

One night, exhausted from work and happy, he felt invaded by the negative entities once again. He felt they fed on the energy in order to deplete him and rob him of whatever joy he had experienced during the day. Progressively depleted and with a growing dread of the night and the bedroom where these events occured, Eric descended into a depression, feeling alone, powerless and even unable to control the nighttime “feeding.”

The vampiric activity of the entities pushed at Eric’s ability to cope, the stress insinuating itself onto his daytime activities. He disclosed in his email that he could relate to my deceased father, who was infested for several months by a mothman-like entity that visited at twilight. The entities invaded my father’s thoughts as Eric’s were, gnawing at his psyche and oppressing him. In my father’s case, oppression was a precursor to possession and before it did so, my father ended his own life to protect the rest of his family, namely me, an infant of two at the time.

Eric reached out at a time of his life after identifying the nature of the disembodied creatures that invaded his thoughts. They were, it appeared, as it did with my father, a precursor to possession which was the next step in the realm of the dark and unholy.

For those of you who dabble in the occult, in the form of ouija boards, haunted dolls, objects which you seek that are reputedly haunted, please remove these from your space. What we may unwittingly or purposively invite can take decades, even lifetimes, to remove. The supernatural comes in two forms like our dualistic universe: Positive and negative. Attract the positive, repel the negative in your thoughts and actions, for they are all ENERGY.

My next book, THE INFERNAL is about the power of thought and how it can manifest among the living. Interestingly, it also takes place in a rental house.

Everything is energy.