Anna Maria Manalo

Disembodied Voices


By contributor, Michelle Budke

Disembodied voices are voices not connected to a solid form or human body. If you hear a disembodied voice coming from an area of your home or business, there is usually no visible shape or form that can be located as a source of the voice.

Many mediums believe that spirit voices warn people that they are dealing with an evil entity. Those who have heard voices without a body give accounts of hidden beings that are always just seemingly around the corner, but never found.

What Causes a Disembodied Voice?

Ghost hunters, mediums and skeptics all have very different ideas of what the cause behind disembodied voice could be.

There are generally two main arguments:

  1. Voices from ghosts or spirits, and a scientific explanation that the voices are actually coming from inside someone’s head.

2. Evil entities may be trying to warn or scare paranormal investigators to get them to depart from the location they’re investigating. This kind of disembodied voice is not to be messed with, as evil spirits can become violent.

However, it is possible that the spirit is kind and wants to communicate or share a part of their story with the ghost hunters.

The scientific theory:

Scientific theories shine light on possible explanations behind disembodied voices that are not related to the supernatural. These theories expose spirit voices as nothing more than hallucinations or misperceptions of sound.

Auditory hallucinations:

Mental health conditions, sleep disorders, and medication side effects can all result in hearing voices that aren’t really there. This can range from insomnia’s effects to more serious conditions like schizophrenia.
Sometimes the voices heard can inspire great acts of courage (if they’re encouraging you to act in a certain way), but most often they can lead one astray.

Misperceptions of sound:

Have you ever been home alone, and heard a terrifying scratching noise coming from the living room? “It must be a ghost,” you tell yourself. You run into the room and flick on the light switch, only to see your cat scratching its post!
Scientists believe that hearing one sound and attributing it to a different cause is a common occurrence, and can be an explanation behind spirit voices. Wind, echos, the neighbours talking – can all make you think you’re hearing a whispering voice from the spiritual realm.

Technological sources:

Tech may produce anomalous sounds. Radio static or static white noise, power lines can buzz audibly overhead, and your ghost hunting microphone can pick up its own output. All these common incidents can be misconstrued as ancient evil voices reaching out from beyond the grave.

Common Types of Disembodied Voices:

It can be quite alarming when you’re exploring an abandoned location and you hear distant voices coming from another room or whispers floating in through an open window. Are you dealing with forgotten woodland deities who stalk the forests, an angry spirit who wants you to leave, or a lonely ghost trying to reach out?

Whatever the cause may be, it is a good idea to educate yourself on the different types of disembodied noises you might come across while ghost hunting.

This is the most common type of disembodied voice reported. There are many amazing and disturbing accounts of this type of voice. The talking can be either heard as a distant conversation, whispers, or clear words called out. The spirit can even call out your name.

Most true accounts of this type of voice, however, are not clear words, but whispers. Often times the voices aren’t even heard during the paranormal investigation. Instead, it is heard when ghost hunters play back their recording devices after the session. Some of these recordings, called Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are captured from high quality voice recorders that are on the market, even Amazon, today.

Hearing disembodied laughter is incredibly scary. It can send chills up and down your spine. Often it is the soft laughter of a child. However, laughter can range from giggles to loud, menacing cackles.

Screaming or crying:
Nothing gets your hair standing on end quite as much as a sudden, piercing scream or cry. These noises are incredibly unsettling as they indicate severe emotional trauma experienced by the spirit. What you may be hearing is a re-enactment of the actual event as it took place years ago or even centuries ago.

Singing or music:

Who doesn’t love singing or humming a tune?

Well, that all changes when you’re in a dark, haunted location and suddenly you hear a sad melody echoing off the walls. Ghosts are sometimes heard singing or humming sad songs. They’re also known to communicate through music boxes, which can be a very chilling experience. Music from a location can be inspiring, uplifting or ethereal where the listener may hear a long-forgotten melody or an instrument that has not been used in modern times.

Recording Disembodied Voices:

If you’re scared no one will believe you when you retell tales of ghost voices, then you should use the right equipment to record these phenomena during your ghost hunts.

One of the best ways to capture these voices, previously mentioned as electronic voice phenomena, is to use an EVP recorder. These highly sensitive devices can record voices that we’re not able to hear when going about our everyday lives.

Beginner ghost hunters may look for something more affordable to start with. You can use a digital voice recorder during your investigation, although these will not be able to record electronic voice phenomena, only audible noises that you can hear too.

To take it one step further, why not try to communicate with the ghost?

Once you hear a noise, you can use a spirit box, word bank (like the Ovilus) or a Ouija board in an attempt to find out exactly what the voice is trying to say.

What should I do if I hear a disembodied voice?

If you happen to have a recording device with you, pull it out and start recording! You can also take notes on a notepad or phone about what you’re hearing along with the date, time and place.

If you’re brave, you can attempt to communicate with the ghost to find out exactly what it is trying to tell you.

How can I differentiate between a real ghost voice and environmental or technological factors?

It is crucial to always remain sceptical and critical. When you hear a noise, consider the environment you’re in and whether there might be anything that can cause a similar noise. Also, make sure your ghost hunting equipment is not causing any feedback. Always seek out natural explanations before jumping to the paranormal.

Can disembodied voices cause harm?

Although the voices may not cause harm themselves, most disembodied voices warn us of the presence of an evil entity that’s trying to scare us. If you feel threatened by the voice, it is best to apologise for angering the entity and leave the location.


Hearing a voice without anyone present can be a harrowing experience. These voices could be trying to tell you something or get you to leave the area.

Although there are scientific theories that aim to explain the unexplainable, such as hallucinations or technological interference, only you’ll know the true origins of the bodiless voices you’ve heard.

AVE MARIA! Christmas is almost here. To all readers of true horror, have a wonderfully healthy and safe holiday of cheer!